Sunday, November 20, 2005

Being cheap can bite you in the butt sometimes

Okay, so we've got the first fire of the season going and we've got a count down to Christmas snowman on the tv. The only problem is, I bought the thing at the dollar store. It's sooo cute and has the little number cubes in it so you can rotate them to change the days left. So, there's not a 4 on the cube. Neither cube actually. So, today there's 34 days left until Christmas and we have to leave it at 35. We'll just know to add one I guess. The squirrel is modeling one of her outfits she got from her Nene in Arizona. By the fireplace, she's just got her PJ's on.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.


Fred said...

I'm having a great weekend. Blogging and watching football. In a few hours, I'll have a beer or two. What more could I ask for?

JUST A MOM said...

She is just getting too big Amber!!!! Hi Leesie!!! :) We love and miss you!!

Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

Great cute!!

Wishing you and your family an Awesome Thanksgiving...have a safe trip!!! (smiling)