Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Happy Valentines Day!!! Late....

So yesterday was Valentines Day. G man sent me flowers to my work as you can see in the photo, they're really pretty. The pink Gerber daisy on the left is my favorite flower. Then the purple iris on top and some other daisies mixed in here and there. The card on the right is the same card he picked out a couple years ago. He does that all the time and doesn't know it. I think it's kinda cute. He also gave me a box of assorted chocolates which- bless his forgetful heart... I don't like. I really am not fond of surprises of any kind which means I really hate biting into a piece of chocolate that has something in it that I hate. I end up wasting half the box since I don't mix my fruit flavors with my chocolate- it's a waste of good chocolate. I did give him direction this year to get me Ghirradeli chocolates and that he can get them at Target. The long word must've scared him since... if you know him he has the attention span of a knat. Anywho, to the left is the card I got him. The little girl is on a skateboard. I used to skateboard back in the day when I still had control over my center of gravity. It escapes me now, and I miss it. Also got him a small box of truffles and a stuffed bear that looks like a little devil. (fitting he he he) Anyway, the three of us (our little squirrel and us) went to a place called Shogun for some Japanese food. They cook it right in front of you and set grease on fire and all that. We'd been before, but squirrel had not. It was really cool to see her expressions when the guy made a "volcano" out of an onion and made it look like firecrackers were going off. It really looked like it was errupting. Then we went and rented a movie and came home to get her to bed for school in the morning.

My court date the other day went well. The ghetto chick made a fool of herself showing up in some kind of flannel checkered brownish PJ lookin' bottoms and a T-shirt. When I worked with her, she dressed better there... and all we did was worked at a bus yard driving kids. Let me emphasize though, she did NOT drive any kids. She was a monitor. The ones that are to help keep the kids in line. Perfect person for that job.....NOT So, later after I've woken up a little.... I'll come back and give the scoop on the whole ASSault thing and what went down. I hope your Wednesday's are off to a good start.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

I got tagged like a long time ago

Got tagged by my blogging friend Robyn. Took me a while to get it done, but it's done.

4 jobs I've had in my life:
Worked as a Head Party Hostess at Pistol Pete's Pizza
Worked at Southwest Airlines in PHX where I met my husband
Drove a school bus for 4 and 1/2 years
Was a nail technician

4 movies I could watch over and over:
As Good As It Gets, A lot Like Love, Return To Me, Black Sheep

4 TV shows I love to watch:
Grey's Anatomy, Survivor, America's Home Video, Big Brother

4 places where I have lived:
Tempe,AZ Mesa, AZ Maricopa,AZ East Texas, Texas

Places I've been on vacation:
San Diego, Rocky Point Mexico, Disneyland LA, Flagstaff AZ

4 places I'd rather be:
In PF Changs eating, Moved into our new house with everything all unpacked, with my grandma in South Carolina since she's very ill right now and my be dying, San Diego

4 of my favorite foods:
Italian, Mexican, Cereal, Breads

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My only day off this week is Wednesday people!!

So I'm off tomorrow, and since it's my only day off.... I've got a "to do" list about a friggin' mile long. I've made sure these things are all things that are for ME though! That way, I'm not bitter by the time I go back for work on Thursday. My plan of attack is.... 1. Mail the bills 2. Go to Talbot's and pay that bill since it's a secret one I have... and it's due tomorrow! 3. Return the scrubs to the uniform place and get a smaller size since the ones I got were hugemungus. 4. Get a new pair of either tennis shoes or nursing shoes since the pretty pink ones are not as comfortable as they were thought to have been. (the back up plan if I don't find any I like is to just get some expensive nice in-soles and put them in my pink ropers) 5. Go to the bank 6. Go to the doctor since I've been sick for the last week and it's in my chest now with coughing all night... boooo hooo 7. Take the squirrel to see Nanny McPhee or whatever the flip you call it at 2:30. (I'll get her out of school a little early to see it) 8. Watch Young and the Restless since I never get to see it now 9. Look into buying a new cell phone because the flip phone I have sucks with it's reception and I don't hear the tone of any of the rings.
So, that will about fill the day. I have to go to court on Monday to speak on behalf of the state of Texas against this bitch that assaulted me back in December. So, the only day off I have next week will be Monday... and I'll be in court. It'll be short and sweet though. It's not gonna take long to see that she is clearly a psycho that needs to be fined a lot of money and immediately placed in a behavioral health clinic. Maybe I could get some money out of it too.
Today was pretty filled to the gills with a variety of trauma's and drama queens. I've officially nominated Tuesdays as "Nursing Home Day". Over half of our patients were born sometime between 1912 and 1925. The others were major motor vehicle accidents including a pregnant woman who they got stable and then rushed to OB ICU.... (not a good sign) Then we had the 5 ambulances that came in all at the same time with one big family including 2 small children. This had been a major motor vehicle accident in which their vehicle had flipped over several times.
Then, there was the spitting HIV positive, mentally unstable (to say the least) patient. This dear heart came in after being gathered out of traffic from running around head butting a few cars and darting through the intersection causing near misses. (very clearly high out of her mind) This 115 pound winner took 12 EMT professionals and nurses to hold her down in order to get a line (IV) started on her and strap her down with the leather straps that they very rarely have to get out. She had already busted through the regular ones that normally do the trick. And, since she had been spitting at every nurse or Dr. that came near her.... they had to put a mask on her face. Well, she was very crafty with that one too. She found a way to work that sucker off of her face with her tongue...within 3 seconds! While it was impressive, it was hard to decide what to put over her face so as not to suffocate her. Because you know, we don't want to do that..... too much paperwork. he he he
After Ms. Busy was strapped down, she was then moved to a private room in the ER because she was also very vocal and at least this room had a door to muffle the screeches and such. In this room, they gave her a LARGE dose of a tranquilizer. A good one people! One that you don't get unless you're in the mental state that she was in. She was on Meth and Cocaine to begin with. Oh, and marijuana too. Well, the tranquilizer did nothing much at all. It may as well been sugar water. About 1 hour after being in that room, without warning or permission to go to the bathroom with an escort... she shit her pants. Well, her pants and the bed. So, the whole side of the ER in which she resided STUNK for a while since the nurses decided to let her sit in her own shit for a while. Well, you know... not on purpose of course, they were really very busy. It resembled the stinch of a dog or cat being in heat! It was that offensive! I could've done without that added bonus. Other than that, it was a great day full of lots of stuff to see and learn.
Please pray that the ones that went to ICU for one reason or another are doing well, and that the unborn baby made it! Oh, and the mother's ankle was COMPLETELY broken and hanging on basically by way of her ligaments and skin. So, after the surgery and pins that I'm sure they had to put in it... and physical therapy she'll have to indure... I pray she'll do well.
Good night.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Can we say, 2 inner ear infections?

So yeah, you're looking at a shoe. This is half of the pair of shoes I bought soley for the ER department. The tennis shoes just weren't cutting it style wise, and all the other girls in there had some pretty neat shoes, so I had to too right?! So, I went to the closest western store here and got me a really cool pair of Roper's that are pink as you can tell and are ostrach skinned. I'm sure it's fake though cause I only paid like 40 dollars for them. Between them and the pink purse and pink monkey heart socks, I was stylin' today. I got some really good compliments on the shoes today when I wore them for the first time. Then, sent them on a wild goose chase when they asked me where I got them. Do you really think I want a bunch of other chickies walking around in my department with the same shoes on? I mean really... we already have to wear these BORING kaki scrubs. I'm trying to talk management into approving the scrubs that are Dickies with just a little bit of camoflauge for trimming and at the top left by your shoulder as just a little decorative logo of the company's brand. Hopefully soon we can get that okay'd.
Anyway, on to bigger and better things. I got a really awesome schedule. I was origionally going to get stuck with a shift like 3p-1130p everyday with thurs/fri off. Now, it's a bunch of different shifts that are a lot closer to the hours of a family oriented person. I am so amazed how things just fall into place when you place your faith in God's hands. In church this Sunday, it was just a lot of reminders of how much He can do for us if we are just patient enough for Him to do his work. We're just usually too quick to react as humans. But, I thought surely... my trainer would take into consideration that if she gives me a schedule where I can see the Squirrel and my husband more... then I'm more apt to stay. And, she seem to be a really nice girl anyway.

I've learned so much in this little period of time that it's just amazing to me! I do have a really funny story that I have been considering sharing with y'all. However, it is something that could offend some readers. So, if you are offended easily... kindly click on the little X at the top right hand of your screen and have a nice rest of the day/night ... whatever the case may be. I say this because it's just too funny to keep to myself any longer. I've been too exhausted when I get home from work that it takes everything in me to get dinner together, make sure my scrubs are washed and ironed for the next day, grocery shop for stuff I want/need to make dinner with, make sure the kid does her homework without withholding info from me. That's her latest thing. Well, I'm just the person to break her of that little habit.

So, on to the story... there's a gentleman in Trauma 9 the other day that I needed to go back and verify all his information with. No sooner did I get back there with my scrubs on (they all ASSume that if you're in scrubs that you're a nurse) and this guy starts telling me all his medical problems he's currently having. I kindly interrupted him without offending him and advised him that I was just there to verify his name, address, birthdate, insurance info, marital status, etc. He then goes on to tell me that he was really feeling like he's gonna puke. So, I got a puke bucket for him and continued to attempt to try to get his information. After the false alarm for the puke, he had to share with me that he had this problem for the last year and just now thought he probably ought to get it checked out. (do you think so Einstein) Whatever. So, I continued with the broken record method asking him his SSN and etc. He insisted to fully inform me of all his ailments, right down to the fact that "half his penis hurts real bad" and that he needs some pain medicine". I advised John Doe that I was unable to help him with that particular issue today, but if he could please consider getting me the answers that I need, I could get him a nurse that might could help him with his penis issues. This was all said with a straight face y'all! It's not to say that I got around the other side of the door and about lost it laughing so hard over what just happened. I shared it with the girls I work with and none of them seemed surprised. We all did wonder however, if a penis is one "unit" (for lack of a better word), then how does just part of it hurt? Is that anatomically possible? I asked my husband about it and he said he's pretty sure the guy was just a "titty baby" and wanted to get attention he wasn't getting at home. God bless the poor man with half a throbbing penis. What's next? LOL!