Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Some After School Fun

You could call them the 3 Stooges after the way they behaved today, but they had a good time. The squirrel is with her friend and former nieghbor from our previous house out here. Oh, and her friends' brother too. I think I'm getting this sick funk that is going around. I can't get warm to save my life because of the chills. And I took my temp earlier today so I know that was a true sign of something coming on. I hope I get a mild case of it and that the whole family doesn't get it. The office is passing it back and forth, so I guess it's my turn. I have an interview with the Police Department for the Dispatch position I put in for about a month ago. I hope it goes well. I just want to find a job that I like and stay there. It's of course a state job so it would have good benefits and it pays pretty well. We'll see.


JUST A MOM said...

Good luck girly I think yo will like that job you need somthing going all the time. tell LEESIE she is getting too big, The dog is cute too.